Monday, April 13, 2009

Rain rain go away...

Dang even after like, six whole hours of sleep, PEP still seems to make you tired, in a weird way that PEP could only do :| So I am bored and I want to bore you with what boring stuff I did today. Okay? (That wasn't really a question).
6am - Woke up, did hair, makeup, brushed teeth, went to the bathroom, got dressed, gathered up my school books together and went to the car.
730am - Anna drove us this morning and let my mom sleep. We went to Wal-Mart so Gayla could buy some stuff for a school drama performance. I stayed in the car to relax and try to sleep a little more, but that didn't work because THE FLIPPIN SEAGULLS. There were like, one billion of them and they were SO loud...Don't they live at the beach anyways?
8am - At pep. No sign of life, I think I saw a way out, this is my last piece of paper hopefully I will come out alive. Okay okay, it's not that bad. I had history class, one of the good ones. The only thing we did was take an in class test, not that bad. We got done early (some of us) so class wasn't too long.
9am - Western Thought!! YESS!!!! ... We had a good discussion today. I don't want to talk about this much, but somehow the First Baptist blogger guy came up and we started talking it. Someone didn't think it was fair that the Church should excommunicate someone, because in our sin, that is when we need the help the most. I thought that sounded good, but I also thought that the blogger shouldn't be able to sit there in the service and just do that, but lets not go into that :/ Well, we ended up taking the whole class talking about excommunication and such, instead of Aeneis (yessss, I must confess :D) Class over.
10am - Study hall for thirty minutes!! YES!!! Hung out with Bailey, my bfflsdk, lol, and did my DJ (discussion journal), which was awesomer than all the others. Studay hall over.
1030am - Comp/lit! Didn't start right away because some three persons weren't there right away!! Lol. It was a good class, I love my grade, funny :D I wrote down a lot of qoutes for my DJ next week, always thinking ahead! NOT. lol. We talked about Wednesday and our schedule and a movie party and stuff, and then the Aeneis, I guess that makes up for Western Thought :3
12pm - Study hall for one hour. Hung with Bailey again, went outside, started to play cards, and then our time was up. Oh yeah, talked to Mrs. Horton! :DDDD
1pm - Biology!!! YES!!!! My favorite class. Heck, my favorite everything. I like it even better than study hall! (of course, unless it's Wednesday all day with Rina and kickball (:) Seriously though, it's a blast. An awesome funny teacher, and then the kids who make jokes. (kyle, lol). It's just awesome and reminds me that God has blessed me and given me...pep....because, they teachers love ya and what they teach, and it shows. Other schools (not that i would know :P) do that.
2pm - Math. I LOVE math. And when I say love i mean hate, duh. It's not really the class itself, sort of, but the subject.. Seriously? Sitting through a whole hour of trying to focus on math at the end of the day? Stinks. I pretty much fall asleep every class, besides the fact that my eyes stay open and somehow i write down notes. lol.
3pm - Hour of study hall! Of course I was glad to see Sarah, but other than that, no. I wasn't feeling at that good, like, I didn't really want to talk, or know what to say, either one. I want to LEAVE. Seriously, knowing there is only 6 more CLASSES left TOTAL of PEP makes me happy, and anxious.
4pm - My mom came soon enough and we left. That is the end of pep. yay (:

I came home, did a few things, went to get Breaking Dawn to read, got caught up on the computer talking to some friends, ate dinner. That stuff is good. The bad stuff, raing (ew) and that blog. I really hate talking about it because I don't want to say something I shouldn't, but it makes me so sad and mad to see someone talking about MY pastor like that. I mean seriously, he's a cute puppy dog, dude! I love him, and we are not brainwashed, we CAN think for ourselves, but when someone puts it as good as him, why try to say it in our own words? I don't know what im saying, i'm just confused/shocked/protective/annoyed. it's weird goodbye :|
Lol. (ya know there would be another "lol")


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