Tuesday, May 18, 2010


So one day (today) I was looking for some quotes from this movie I just saw in theater, and with no luck from that I was just browsing through quotes by various people. Then I came upon Judy Garland (Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz) and one time I saw a little show about her on PBS (where else?) and really thought she was a cool person, even though her life was a little sad.

And one of the quotes sort of stuck out, which is below:

"If I am a legend, then why am I so lonely?"
-Judy Garland

This lady had so many earthly possesions. She was famous, people adored her, she had money and beauty. But even with all this she was still lonely.
Only God can make us whole. He is always there for us so there is never a reason to feel lonely.
It just sort of makes me sad to see that people like us die everyday without even knowing how much life they could have!