Monday, April 27, 2009

Who are you when you're alone?

"I'm just tryin' to find out
Who I am, on my own
I had you right beside me
Now your gone and I know.
That when the room clears, I'm still here.
Who am I when I'm alone?"

Simply put, we all act like someone else when we are around different people, especially at church and other places where there is a Christian standard.
But how do you act when you think you're all alone, and not being watched?
Just be careful, God is ALWAYS watching over you.

Friday, April 17, 2009

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" is all I have to say :D

OH MY WORD! Only three more weeks of school, almost two! I am so happy, so many good things are going to happen.
I'll start in April, then go on :)
April - Rina's PARTY!! I'm so excited, she is amazing and her present is going to be cool ;D
And then, art! The last art class is from 8-12, we got behind so we have to go early. But we are going to party with food and ten afterwards we are going to hang out, ah! Then the next day is my birthday and i'm going to be sixteen!! woot. I don't want to have a party though, I don't know why. And then, the CPT!! YES!!! MY FAVORITE!! Not, lol. But hey, Tina is taking it too and that will be good when it's over.
May - Movie party thing with Comp/lit class! Yess! I love my core, and as much as i want to, I also don't want to leave them. oh well :P Then SCHOOL IS OUT!! SUMMER!! I'm so excited. The only class i will really miss is Biology, love that. And all the people Then in MAy , May 15 to be exact, I can get my drivers liscense, but im really nervous about that and idk if i want to take the test or the class that you pay for. I would rather do the class. lol.

That is pretty much it, except for the TN Tour with FBC(!!!!!) and the SAT :/ But i'm excited about FCCJ and stuff. And the Church Banquet was tonight because I didn't feel like going for various reasons. I have to do the dishes now so Lata. Haha.
(And if you didn't notice I don't use a lot of puncuation and stuff, so I'm sorry, I should work on that more often)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Rain rain go away...

Dang even after like, six whole hours of sleep, PEP still seems to make you tired, in a weird way that PEP could only do :| So I am bored and I want to bore you with what boring stuff I did today. Okay? (That wasn't really a question).
6am - Woke up, did hair, makeup, brushed teeth, went to the bathroom, got dressed, gathered up my school books together and went to the car.
730am - Anna drove us this morning and let my mom sleep. We went to Wal-Mart so Gayla could buy some stuff for a school drama performance. I stayed in the car to relax and try to sleep a little more, but that didn't work because THE FLIPPIN SEAGULLS. There were like, one billion of them and they were SO loud...Don't they live at the beach anyways?
8am - At pep. No sign of life, I think I saw a way out, this is my last piece of paper hopefully I will come out alive. Okay okay, it's not that bad. I had history class, one of the good ones. The only thing we did was take an in class test, not that bad. We got done early (some of us) so class wasn't too long.
9am - Western Thought!! YESS!!!! ... We had a good discussion today. I don't want to talk about this much, but somehow the First Baptist blogger guy came up and we started talking it. Someone didn't think it was fair that the Church should excommunicate someone, because in our sin, that is when we need the help the most. I thought that sounded good, but I also thought that the blogger shouldn't be able to sit there in the service and just do that, but lets not go into that :/ Well, we ended up taking the whole class talking about excommunication and such, instead of Aeneis (yessss, I must confess :D) Class over.
10am - Study hall for thirty minutes!! YES!!! Hung out with Bailey, my bfflsdk, lol, and did my DJ (discussion journal), which was awesomer than all the others. Studay hall over.
1030am - Comp/lit! Didn't start right away because some three persons weren't there right away!! Lol. It was a good class, I love my grade, funny :D I wrote down a lot of qoutes for my DJ next week, always thinking ahead! NOT. lol. We talked about Wednesday and our schedule and a movie party and stuff, and then the Aeneis, I guess that makes up for Western Thought :3
12pm - Study hall for one hour. Hung with Bailey again, went outside, started to play cards, and then our time was up. Oh yeah, talked to Mrs. Horton! :DDDD
1pm - Biology!!! YES!!!! My favorite class. Heck, my favorite everything. I like it even better than study hall! (of course, unless it's Wednesday all day with Rina and kickball (:) Seriously though, it's a blast. An awesome funny teacher, and then the kids who make jokes. (kyle, lol). It's just awesome and reminds me that God has blessed me and given me...pep....because, they teachers love ya and what they teach, and it shows. Other schools (not that i would know :P) do that.
2pm - Math. I LOVE math. And when I say love i mean hate, duh. It's not really the class itself, sort of, but the subject.. Seriously? Sitting through a whole hour of trying to focus on math at the end of the day? Stinks. I pretty much fall asleep every class, besides the fact that my eyes stay open and somehow i write down notes. lol.
3pm - Hour of study hall! Of course I was glad to see Sarah, but other than that, no. I wasn't feeling at that good, like, I didn't really want to talk, or know what to say, either one. I want to LEAVE. Seriously, knowing there is only 6 more CLASSES left TOTAL of PEP makes me happy, and anxious.
4pm - My mom came soon enough and we left. That is the end of pep. yay (:

I came home, did a few things, went to get Breaking Dawn to read, got caught up on the computer talking to some friends, ate dinner. That stuff is good. The bad stuff, raing (ew) and that blog. I really hate talking about it because I don't want to say something I shouldn't, but it makes me so sad and mad to see someone talking about MY pastor like that. I mean seriously, he's a cute puppy dog, dude! I love him, and we are not brainwashed, we CAN think for ourselves, but when someone puts it as good as him, why try to say it in our own words? I don't know what im saying, i'm just confused/shocked/protective/annoyed. it's weird goodbye :|
Lol. (ya know there would be another "lol")


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Okay maybe not that much...

Okay. In the blog before this, for those who didn't read it (:P), I said that I like staying up late and waking up late. I decided that only part of that is true.
Being as smart as I am, I stayed up last night until 6am, reading and on the computer, pretty much wasting my life away. Then when I woke up my mom was there saying something about "How late did you stay up?" type of thing. She was suppose to leave the house around eight, so I thought it was a little bit before that, boy was I wrong! I went down stairs and glanced at the clock on the stove, I could barely see and thought it said 7:45, which made since if they hadn't of left yet. Psh, that was stupid. They had left and COME BACK! It was 7:45 it was ONE:45!!
It was AWFUL! I tried to do some Biology, which, by the way, is a TON this week. Well, that is how it seems to me. I went up stairs and read like, 29034823billion chapters of Eclipse and before I knew it the clock read 6:30pm. Ew! The day had gone and nothing had gotten done, the house was dark and hot, and it was stinking weird! So here I am, sitting in the chair on the laptop still doing nothing at almost eleven o' clock.
Also, I'm on the last chapter of Eclipse and then I have that little prologue thing that I like to read so I'm going to get off, nothing really good to write about anyways, except that Anna might take me to the beach tomorrow!


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Best Day OF MY LIFE.

I am not a morning person, at all. I love staying up late and getting up late. So last night I stayed up until about one or two am. I don't know I was reading Eclipse and I know it was after twelve by a while so yeah. Then at SIX AM Gayla, my loving sister, woke me up and was like "YAY TIME FOR PEP!!" No, not really smart one, she was like "Hey Leah, it's time to wake up." Then I got up, it was FREEZING, and my eyes burned, I guess a sign that I stayed up to late and woke up to early. So I went into the bathroom, straightened my hair because I felt like it, and put on a little bit of makeup. Ya know, foundation, blush, mascara, that's about it. Well, all my clothes are wrinkly, because I didn't fold them in time after they dried from the wash so that is what happens. I went into my mom's room because the ironing board is in there. I was thinking to myself "Man I really DON'T want to go to PEP, maybe mom will let us skip ALL DAY...Nah...Well, what the heck, the worst she can do is say no." So I asked her, she hesitated, I convinced her we would be doing nothing, and BAM, she said we could skip! She told herself that she was crazy, but I told her I loved her, and that's all that matters, haha.
We crawled back into bed until about eleven. That is what I'm talking about! I woke up, went to read Eclipse, got on the computer a little, did nothing pretty much. Then we went to walkmart around two and we were starving since we hadn't eaten anything so we bought McDonald's. It was no Chick-Fil-A but it was good. I got some new pins, a new shirt, haha a Wal Mart shirt.... :P and yeah it was a blast hanging with my family not at pep. Then I went to the Lord's Supper tonight...DIDN'T get to see Becca but she texted me :) And church was fun, I saw Rina, Emily, Caleb and Emily, and Jesse jump up from behind me, and then we went to San Marco and I hung out at Moe's with Gayla and Paul, and we had a good time.
So all in all, I ate really bad today, skipped school, and had a blast :D

Monday, April 6, 2009

Will This Ever End?

Oh. My. Juicy. Pickles....Today was the longest day at P.E.P (better known as hell). It just dragged on.
First, Bailey wasn't there, what's up with that? She would rather go play volleyball then hang out with us :P
Second, there is only 30 MORE DAYS TILL SUMMER!!! (exactly) And knowing that I was counting down every second possible until the day was over. It lasted FOREVER, literately.
Mrs. Joanne aka best teacher ever, had a HUMAN HEART in Biology...Ok just kidding, it was a sheep heart, but a human heart sounds so much more exciting...not that it wasn't...oh darn I need to stop.
Then after that we had math. Oh how I LOVE math. For the first forty minutes we did barely anything. The book was messed up and Mr. Weaver was trying to figure it out and then he just showed us the answer and stuff so I will probably do good on that test...NOT. And then for the last twenty minutes we had test corrections. AHHHH. I got through the first page and thats it. there were like three or four. and each problem had something wrong with it. I was...depressed. haha. Besides the fact that we made snowflakes in math, that was fun.
After math I have one hour of study hall. Anna, who was working on a research paper couldn't take thirty minutes to go pick me up, but hey, she is out shopping now. fun stuff. (jerk :P) So my dad came all the way from Lowe's and got there TWENTY MINUTES LATE. Twenty minutes I spent in hell, that I didn't need to. Thanks guys. Love yall too.
I came home and accidentally fell asleep, woke up to dinner, and then did some dishes and then I emailed Mrs. Ring like 203424823 Essays i've written this year, crazy whack stuff.
And now here I am, doing nothing except talking to my adopted mom and Heather on facebook.
I have to go anyways, please forgive me for the horrible grammar and punctuation in this blog, I didn't really care today.

*goes and runs to hide in the dark closet*
Just Kidding Folks.
Bye Yall.


Three words: DON'T DO IT.
It is sadly almost five am in the morning, and I've been up since four. Why? To finish writing a paper that was due last week and to finish the one that is due this week. I'm glad to say that I'm almost done and already have the amount of pages needed, but still, I could be sleeping in until six or even six-thirty. I am glad to say though that I won't have that much homework next week, I'm happy and exciting because I wanted to go to the beach anyways (:

Happy Monday. There's only a MONTH OF SCHOOL LEFT!!! For me! We get out May 6th but I am pretty sure that whole week people are going to PART-TAY (at pep, safely (:)

Peace out.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Quote Searching

Today is a Sunday afternoon. I came home, did a few dishes to clean up and then we all (Dad, Anna, Gayla, me and Paul) made some homemade sub sandwiches. They were pretty good. We watched Master of Disguise while we ate, and I must confess, i'm getting sick of it :/ Then, after that, I got bored, so I was weird and Googled "Famous Quotes." Actually, I searched "Famous Qoutes" but that is spelled wrong so I wasn't going to tell you but I did, so get overit :P Anyways, I found this quote by a writer. A girl writer. A girl writer named Gwen. Gwen Bristow. I've never heard of her so I am not suggesting you read her books but I like this quote. (:

“We can get the new world we want, if we want it enough to abandon our prejudices, every day, everywhere. We can build this world if we practice now what we said we were fighting for.”
- Gwen Bristow

Ever have anyone ask you if you had one wish what would it be, and as a little kid you would say "I want the whole world save"? Well, even if you haven't, just play along. As Christians, we always want to share the gospel with everyone we know, we want to be known for telling others about Christ wherever we go, but a lot of us either don't really mean that, are to lazy, or for some other reason just don't do it.

Well, this quote sort of reminded me of that in some weird way, haha. She said that we can get the new world we want, all we have to do is throw out the old us, and our old selfish ways, and actually do something to gain that world we always say we want. What we want to to share Jesus with a lot of people, and like I said, some of us don't find time to do that. We need to get off our butts and do something. We need to make time FIRST for Jesus, and what he wants us to do, and then do other stuff. We have to want it so bad, that nothing else matters, and that we actually get out there and do something instead of just sitting still in our comfort zones at church.

I know i'm not one to talk because i'm shy, and I struggle with this all the time, but with God, all things are possible, we gotta remember that. And Mrs. Gwen is not a Christian, at least that I know of, but it can still apply.

We can change this world guys, but if we don't do anything nothing will happen.

"But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!” - Romans 10:14-15 (New Living Translation)

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Good morning starshine, the earth says hello!
So, I don't really know who, if anyone, is going to read this, but I thought it would be fun to keep a blog, post my thoughts and what I did that day, if anything. So it might be rather boring unless I decide to go bungee jumping or sky diving, something exhilerating like that, except, Algebra 2 is pretty exhilerating so we'll see (: