Monday, August 17, 2009

Just Do It!

Easier said then done.
But the funny thing about the Bible is, is that it's so clear! Seriously, it flat out tells you what to do. Another funny thing is, is that those flat out things are so difficult for us to do.
I have been reading in Deuteronomy lately and one of the many amazing verses says,

"The LORD your God is testing you, to find out if you love him with your whole being. Serve only the LORD your God. Respect him, keep his commands, and obey him. Serve him and be loyal to him." -Deuteronomy 13:3b-4.

That is a perfect example. It clearly says that God tests us sometimes, and that we need to serve him, to respect and obey him, but day after day we sin and break his rules.
Why is it so hard, why can't we just do what our Creator wants?

Well, we have a sin nature, we are never going to be perfect, and the fact is, we can't obey him, at all. We can't even keep one law that he has set for us, it's impossible.
But that is the beauty of it really. Since we as humans are incapable of obeying and following him, he sent his son to save us, to help us.
Through his son we can lean on him and depend on him to help us take every step in life, and then, when we completely trust him, we can follow God.

Yes, it's very hard, but with God and the love he has for us, we can do it with his help, we just have to accept him, and follow him and trust him enough with our lives.


justagirl4god said...

Hey Leah,

Thanks for this post - it's really awesome!
It's funny how people can be so quick to say they believe the Bible, and then do the opposite of what it says, just as quickly...
I just found your blog randomly... and I have to say, it was like a breath of fresh air! You seem so real and in love with God - it is awesome!
If you get the change, drop by my blog. I'd love to get to know you more!
God bless you, Sister in Christ!
From, Rachael

rinarinarina said...

LEAH!!! Wow. It's so awesome that we both read Deuteronomy yesterday. Our blogs kinda fit together. (:

You're really great at writing these. I loved this.(:
