Monday, February 1, 2010


I am working on a 3-page paper on my ecosystem and the chain of events, technology, human impact and catastrophic events in it.

Well. I am here with the laptop in a comfy chair and the t.v. is on. How much do you think I am going to get done?

Exactly :)

So anyways I just saw a Progesso commercial and it was something like this.

Girl in her kitchen talking into a Progresso can: You helped me reach my wieght goal I want to thank you.

Cook in a kitchen cooking Progresso talking into a can: Uh thanks but it's not just me.

Girl: HAHAHAHA you're so funny. . . . I like you.

end of commercial.

Wasn't that funny? I love using different font stuff.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like that commercial. :)