These are my bffls. We will always be bffls. This was at the Raymond Awards at ECC 2011. Great night.
These are my favorite women the world. Mama Charo and adopted Mama haha. At the pep rally 2011.
Family is the best gift ever. Family Reunion 2011.
This. This right here is my best friend. We are crazy together and we love Mrs. Macmac that we took a picture of her car to model :) 2011
I can't believe I'm adding this but I'm so white because I'm her guardian angel/bodyguard :) This is at the PEP Christmas bonfire party 2010.
My adopted mama and brother came to visit me on my first day of work at CFA! This was at the end of my shift (: Cow Appreciation Day 2010, represent!
Working at Mochi was one of the greatest things ever. I miss these people dearly and closing Friday nights. Great place! 2010
I love my big sister Anna. We complete each other :) 2009.
Ski Retreat 2010. One of my favorite memories. We had the best room, so many stories lol.
VBS is amazing. I mean what's better than getting to hang with a bunch of little kids? This boy is Jackson, he was crazy, and my bffl! 2009.
I loved our hour of study hall at the end of the day, taking pictures on Lauren's mac. A great way to end the day, especially with everyone watching as we pose :)
My High School graduation :) Everyone in the family except Jessica (who came later). 2011